Weekend! RL Update! Replies!

I’m so tired, y’all. 2020 needs a factory-reset. 2019, too.

MINI RANT ALERT: I got my master’s diploma in the mail, but there’s literally eff all to celebrate. I actually regret getting it now; if I had known the whole economy was gonna faceplant mere months after I started grad school–legit, like a semester in!–I’d’ve just sat on my butt, got some dinky job, and not wasted money I don’t even have on more effing education.

I’m still taking classes, cuz now I have to apply to PhD programs, just to have something to do with the next few years. These schools want me to sit in on a billion effing extracurriculars, to have a more “competitive” application–effing kill me now. I’m busier now than I was when I was actually a student, WTF!? German’s alright so far, and archaeology’s always fun, but I’m EFFING TIRED, and STRESSED AF.

No matter what school (if any) takes me, I have to move. My family can’t afford to stay in NYC anymore, so either we’ll all go back down South together (we’re a caravan of women–a cavalcade of Amazons, if you will), or we’ll have to scatter.

TL;DR: I am NOT looking forward to 2021, for multiple reasons.

On to The Sims 3!



dhalsims replied to your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”

Wow! Thank you!

replied to your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”

Oooh love them, thank you!

replied to your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”

Lovely creation! Thank you! ❤

drawing-way-outside-the-lines reblogged your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”


replied to your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”

This is why I love you


Thank you so much, everybody~! 💕💕❤🤩

plumdrops replied to your post “Simblreen 2020 Pt3 – Hanging Chairs”

I love that they swing – these are amazing!!!

I seriously apologize for the glaring flaws, y’all. They’re NOT perfect by any means, there’s way too much clipping, but even after reshaping & rescaling the chairs, I just couldn’t get the swings to be exactly the way I wanted. I can’t be left unsupervised.



Happy Simming!

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